
Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF)
ANZIIF is the leading membership, education, training and professional development organisation for the insurance and finance industry in the Asia-Pacific region with members in 50 countries.
Graduates of the Master of Science in Insurance (MSc-INS) are eligible to apply for election as a Senior Associate of ANZIIF. Graduates of the MSc-INS who have had at least two years of professional insurance experience are eligible to apply for election as a Fellow of ANZIIF with 80 points out of 100 of Fellow criterion.
For more information, please visit: https://anziif.com/membership/cip
IFPHK is the leading organization in Hong Kong for advancing professional financial planning standards and promoting the importance of financial planning.
CFP Certification is the world’s oldest and most-recognized advanced certification for financial planners. Graduates of the Master of Science in Insurance are eligible to apply for “Fast-track to CFP Certification – List C” candidacy. Upon approval, the candidate will be granted exemption from taking CFP certification education program (courses 1 to 3) and CFP certification examination (foundation level). The candidate may fulfill CFP certification education and examination requirements by completing CFP certification education program (course 4), CFP certification examination (advanced level paper 1) and CFP certification examination (advanced level paper 2).
Application may be made online at IFPHK website (www.ifphk.org).